Your toothbrush is one of the most important tools in your fight against plaque buildup and bacteria. Trying to choose a tooth brush is another fight all on its own. When it comes to toothbrushes, you have to pick which one that will be the best brush best for you and your smile. Many options include different sizes, styles, and... read more »
A large cavity on the biting surface of one of your teeth can significantly impair your ability to chew and process food. Left unchecked the bacterial presence could penetrate deep into the tooth to invite a more serious problem. If you notice a cavity on one of your teeth, you should not delay in having it examined and treated by... read more »
There are times when teeth are too badly damaged or infected for conventional restoration methods to be used. In those cases, tooth extractions must be done to ensure the safety of the rest of your smile. During these procedures, it is important as with all oral health care treatments to follow directions to ensure your mouth can heal safely. Here... read more »
Save your smile with tooth restorations like veneers and crowns. Did you know two of the most highly effective types of tooth restoration therapies for cultivating the look of your smile are dental crowns and dental veneers, as both treatments cap or conceal troublesome areas of your teeth, but in different ways? To learn more about the wonderful benefits of... read more »
How often have you heard that you should brush and floss your pearly whites every day? Have you been told that you should visit your dentist every six months? Do you ever wonder if you should do anything else to keep pearly whites strong? Would you be surprised to hear that the foods you eat might have an immediate impact... read more »
Can dental bonding be used to fix and repair your smile? The answer is yes, they can. Not only can dental bonding be used to improve the functionality of your smile, they can also upgrade its looks and aesthetic beauty. With many dental bonding procedures, a resin or porcelain is used that can be matched to the color shade of... read more »
Did you know that dental implants are so durable, that if taken care of properly, they can last for an entire lifetime without the need to be replaced? Not only that, they accurately mimic the look, feel, and function of natural teeth to restore your smile. Listed below are some common questions about dental implants: True or False: Dental implants... read more »
A dental bridge is an appliance that has a replacement tooth (or multiple replacement teeth) in the middle with a dental crown on each side. This is a strong, reliable, and effective appliance that can fill the gap in your smile and replace your missing teeth. A dental bridge can offer many benefits. In fact, it can repair your smile,... read more »
Here at Pristine Smiles, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles. Each... read more »