If you're ever worried about any pain associated with oral health care treatments, it is important to speak with your dentist about any dental anxieties you may be suffering from. Dental anxiety commonly arises from the fears and stresses with oral health care procedures and strikes when treatments might be needed or are being given. Speaking with your dentist is... read more »
The goal of daily oral hygiene care is to protect your teeth from decay and cavities. The most vulnerable of your teeth are the ones in the back that do the hard work of chewing your food. Because of their location, it's hard to clean them properly, so harmful oral bacteria tend to collect on their rough, uneven surfaces and... read more »
A dentist like Dr. Nandhini Bogavelli will often use dental veneers and porcelain dental crowns to cosmetically enhance or restore affected teeth. While veneers will effectively replace the faces of your front teeth with dental grade porcelain or composite resin, a dental crown will fully replace a compromised tooth’s enamel layer. While these materials are designed to be durable, and... read more »
Did you know that diabetes can influence the condition of your mouth? Diabetes increases your risk for mouth infections like dry mouth, oral thrush and gum disease. Fortunately, all these issues are still escapable, as long as you regularly follow these five tips: - Control your blood sugar. Your family doctor has probably already taught you how to control your... read more »
No one has ever said they love a mouth sore. Mouth sores, occasionally called soft-tissue disturbances, in or out of the mouth can sometimes be painful, unpleasant-looking, and could potentially be a sign of a more serious disease. Many patients have confused cold sores for canker sores and canker sores for cold sores, so Dr. Nandhini Bogavelli wants to help... read more »
You want to keep your smile bright, healthy, and happy. You know there are things to do to help this happen, like brushing and flossing every day. Did you know that there are some things that you should NOT do? Dr. Nandhini Bogavelli is happy to make you aware of dental habits to avoid. Brushing Too Hard Are you brushing... read more »
The complete denture created for you by the dental specialists at Pristine Smiles was designed from durable materials that are invulnerable to bacterial tooth decay. Yet you will still need to apply some daily habits to maintain the dental appliance and the overall health of your natural periodontal tissues. This will help ensure that your dentures fit comfortably with the... read more »
Chips and dental fractures can vary in severity. Some have a minimal effect on the tooth enamel and might not even cause heightened sensitivity or other symptoms in distress. However, the damaged dental structures could gradually start to trap bacterial deposits causing a severe cavity to develop deep inside the already weakened tooth. It’s always wise to have any chipped... read more »
Is your mouth suffering from various visible flaws? Do you have a noticeable stain or two that simply cannot be repaired or removed with teeth whiteners? Are you looking for a service that will not conceal a tooth with procedures such as a dental veneer or crown? Fortunately, dental bonding can fix the damage without affecting the entire tooth. If... read more »
Fluoride is a backbone in our society thanks to its potential benefits to our smile. Fluoride treatments have even been put into the public water supply. Despite this, many people remain unaware as to what exactly it is that fluoride does. Focus your oral health care on fluoride. Save your smile with fluoride and these important facts: - Fluoride can... read more »