With highly effective tooth replacement treatments, our dentists can drastically improve your oral health and your smile’s appearance. If you have lost any teeth throughout your life, a dental implant, a dental bridge or dentures can be used to replace your missing teeth and restore your optimal oral health. Furthermore, tooth replacements can restore the look of your smile and give you a super smile that is both beautiful and healthy.
Replacing missing teeth often requires the use of an oral prosthetic device. One of the most effective oral prostheses is a dental implant. Dental implants are a popular and effective tooth replacements that can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or all of your teeth. Because dental implants are directly inserted into your jawbone, they provide a more durable solution that, with proper oral care, can last for decades.
If your jawbone is not strong enough to support a dental implant, our dentists can help you find an alternative tooth replacement. One highly effective treatment that we may recommend is a dental bridge. Dental bridges are anchored to neighboring teeth, providing a fixed and stable restoration that can help your restoration look and function like your natural teeth. In the end, most patients experience little to no changes in their diet our daily routine because of how dental bridges are made and inserted into the mouth.
An alternative tooth replacement that is highly effective is dentures. Dentures come in two forms: partial dentures can replace a few missing teeth at a time and complete dentures can replace up to an entire dental arch of missing teeth. Dentures are crafted and designed to be removable, so they can be taken out each day for easy cleaning.
Do you need to visit a dentists in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, for your tooth replacements? If so, our team at Pristine Smiles can assist you. Dr. Nandhini Bogavelli and our team can give you a complete oral examination to help you know which tooth replacement option is best for you. Contact us today at 717-790-2184 to set up your appointment!